Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Doctor Dread

Why is it that I dread going to doctors so much? I have an appointment for an eye exam tomorrow morning, and even though I know it will be relatively quick and painless, I'm still dreading the visit. Spring is the time of year, too, where all of my many doctors' appointments come due, so I'm going to be running the gauntlet of MDs in the next month or so.

I'm guessing this type of dread is common, but I wonder why it exists. Is it because we're afraid of finding out we've got a brain tumor and have two weeks to live? Maybe. Is it because it's no fun being poked and prodded and asked personal questions? Probably. But why, after years of experience and non-eventful appointments, can't I get over the pre-doctor-visit blues?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the change in your theme/background/layout. However, it didn't change/update/refresh the comment page that I'm on right now.

Also - it's no longer asking me to decipher some funky word. Did someone hack you?