Thursday, January 07, 2010

I Laugh at Weird Things

I've been told I have a weird sense of humor, but I have to say, I keep myself pretty entertained. Here's a dialogue I just had with Guy that made me laugh. See if it strikes your fancy the same way it struck mine!

Me: Was that your phone getting text messages?

Guy: When?

Me: I dunno, a while ago.

Guy: Probably. I got two texts a little while ago.

Me: Who dey from?

Guy: My brother.

Me: What'd he want?

Guy: He wanted to know the name of the fat band leader from...Bethel Park.

The end. I don't know why that made me laugh, but it did.

1 comment:

ChrisandMissy said...

Speaking of humor, I just noticed your comment about finding it funny that there was a hole in the tree for kids to put their heads into. I didn't know you read our blog (I'm flattered) or that you had a blog (I'm intrigued at your depth of insight into Survivor!) Anyway, Chris and I have interchanges like yours and Guy's text msg conversation and I think they are funny, but doubt anyone else would. =)