Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Anniversary Poetry

Go ahead, gag now, but I'm posting the anniversary poem that was given to me by my lovely (and verbally gifted) husband. It's not necessarily romantic, and you may not get all the references, but I thought it was worthy of public viewing just for the sheer length and rhyme scheme of it. Here she blows:

Three years ago on this very day
Both of our lives changed in a big way.
We kissed at the altar, you refueled our stretch,
We danced our first dance and we got our first sketch.
Our trip south was rainy, but we sure did eat great,
Then back to reality in our newlywed state.
We share a bed with a dark red theme
Where I learned that you grind* and you talk in your dreams.
Lois and Ed and the AC from heck,
We got tired of renting so online we did check.
After some looking we chose to obtain
Our current abode here on Old Village Lane.
With hair in the drawers and the walls a pale blue
We knew that there was so much work to do!
So we cleaned and we painted and we made it our own,
Then we brought in a dog to destroy our new home.
With a woof and a wag and a jump and a bark
That goofy-assed bitch ran away with our hearts.
So it's Mommy and Daddy and little girl Lily,
The first two have jobs while the last just acts silly.
I work in IT for Fairmont Supply,
Striving to be #1 Help Desk Guy.
You're waiting tables and serving up suds,
And mostly enjoy it if your shifts are not duds.
So what's next for us, and where will we dwell?
Our townhouse is lame and we're looking to sell.
Who will be fourth in our new family?
A kid with brown hair or a friend for Lily?
There's really no way to know for sure,
But I've told you before, and I'll tell you some more:
It doesn't matter where we work or we stay,
I love you as much as I did on that day
That I wore a tux and you a white dress,
And I'd do it again because you are the best!

*Get your mind out of the gutter. He means I grind my teeth.

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