Saturday, January 13, 2007

Generic, yet Intriguing Post

Even though I didn't fall into the category of those tagged by Katie, since I had in fact updated within a week of when she posted, I will succomb to the blog gods and complete this "five things you don't know about me" entry. Actually, I'm just bored and don't have a more interesting topic to write about, so here goes:

1. I crave candy or chocolate from the moment I wake up in the morning. In fact, I just finished an entire box of Necco conversation hearts (minus five white ones), and I haven't even left the bedroom yet.

2. I don't like kids and don't know if I ever want to have ones of my own. Yes, this is odd, coming from someone with a degree in Elementary Education, but let's just say that Grove City didn't offer a large choice of majors. Sure, kids are sometimes cute and do say the darndest things, but the thought of actually raising them and dealing with them on a daily basis is just not appealing to me at this point in my life. Who wants to think about rearing a moody teenager when they're not that far out of the moody-teenager stage themselves?

3. I love money. I know, I know. The love of money is the root of all evil, but I can't help enjoying seeing the flow of cash into and out of (mostly the latter) our checkbook. I enjoy putting things in our budget and planning for expenditures. If that makes me evil, so be it. Maybe I should have been an accountant.

4. I think that time never goes slower than when you're waiting for a microwave to cook. That's not exactly about me, but it can still count. I used to race the clock and see how many laps around the kitchen, squats, or other various activities I could do before the microwave stopped, and the numbers always exceeded my expectations.

5. I'm somewhat of a hypochondriac. I've recently started watching House, which is an incredible show, yet now I feel the need to document all of my daily experiences so that if I accidentally touch the garage door and then eat a cookie, thus transferring a deadly bacteria to my innards, the diagnostician will be able to figure out what's wrong with me without having to biopsy my brain first. Really, though, I have a lot of aches and pains that I continuously wonder if they are something more serious. Most likely, they're nothing, but coming from a person who's had shingles, many broken bones, kidney stones, and more, I don't think I'm being that unreasonable.

And now you know the rest of the story.


Anonymous said...

i too crave chocolate all day long, mmmm mmmmmm mmmm ... but dark chocolate is good for you, right?, so i switched to that ...

Guy said...

Nice Paul Harvey reference

-K- said...

All I think about is candy and chocolate as well, and I usually indulge that desire 24/7. I know what you mean about hypochondriac induced by medical show watching. Grey's Anatomy had me worried about an aneurysm everyday.